Wednesday 9 January 2013

January 4th 1999

Previous RAW

Airdate - January 4th 1999. (This is a pretty famous RAW is WAR)

Starts with a video package of HBKs career but Vince tells them to stop it. Vince starts saying HBK wont be here, HBK said he would on HEAT. Sure enough HBK is there and he brings DX with him, is this the 1st time we saw a full DX line up? HBK says he cant be fired he can only resign and makes Vince McMahon #2 in the Royal Rumble.

BFC - Shamrock v Blackman - Elbows and kicks by Blackman. Powerslam gets Ken 2. Dan Severn come ringside, Ken is in control and hits a belly-to-belly when Steve starts a comeback. Ken hits Severn then Billy Gunn runs in and FameAssers him so Blackman gets 3. These 2 would feud in Summer of 99 which was Shamrocks last proper WWEF rivlary.

BFC - Shamrock and Billy fight backstage.

Mankind's here the promo is good as it's Foley 'first time i've said Suck It without please in front'. He wants a title match at Rumble, Vince refuses and says Foley should've listened to him not them (the fans). He books HHH v Mankind for tonight, winner is in Rumble.

BFC - Mark Henry Vs. Goldust - Henry seems to be wearing Faarooqs old Nation attire. Goldust targets the legs and gets 2 off a spinebuster. Powerslam and elbow drop by Henry, he'll need a rest now. Chyna and a 'friend' appear. Edge-O-Matic gets 2 for Goldust but he is soon DQd for doing Shattered Dreams. Post Match Chyna helps Henry up and says she and her friend can help Henry, then he faints.

BFC - Dennis Knight is chained up somewhere.

Godfather Vs. Test - Jesus Tests' music's bad. Corber knees by Test. Slam, leg drop then Ho Train by Godfather. Val Venis appears. Big boot by Test then they fight ringside for a Double Countout. Test, Venis fight.

DX and HBK chatting backstage.

BFC - Special Ref/ Shane McMahon - HHH Vs. Mankind - Not much happened beyond a bulldog, clothesline etc. but the match isn't important it's the post match that is, also HHH wins via a sunset flip that Shane fast counts on. After the match HHH Pedigrees Shane and tells Mick he's all yours. Mankind threatens to break Shanes arm unless Vince gives him a title match tonight, No DQ. Vince agrees. They actually redo this type of angle in August but HHH does break JRs on that occasion.

BFC - Edge Vs. D-Lo Brown - Dropkick, hurricanrana by Edge. They trade slaps then D-Lo does his running powerbomb, the move that paralyzed Droz in October 1999. Crossbody gets Edge 2. PMS are here and D-Lo hits the Sky High on Edge. Terri Runnels falls off the apron then in B-Movie acting style starts screaming or something, they stop the match as she might've lost her kid. This starts a stupid angle, though mist things with Terri were stupid.

BFC - Kane Vs. Pat Patterson/Gerald Brisco - Patterson tries to bribe Kane, but he Chokeslams the pair. kane grabs Shane McMahon but Vince threatens him with going back to the mental home so he releases him.

Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Al Snow - Al hides from Dogg. Al jumps off the apron but Dogg throws a chair at him, then sets up a table but Snow chairs him. Poetry in motion sends Dogg into the crowd then Snow moonsaults himself through a table as Dogg moves. Road Dogg hits Snow with a tray but he just smiles. Fighting backstage and Snow is hiptossed through a table. cardboard boxof doom by Snow then he plants Road Dogg with a flower pot, get it. They fight outside in the snow and Dogg gets 3 by piledriving Snow through wooden pallets.

BFC- HBK leaves the arena 'I'll see you guys later' HHH: (as HBK leaves) 'Maybe, maybe not' X-Pac: 'What goes around comes around'. HBK is ambushed by Corporation in parking lot and we come back from commercial (BFC) he is a bloody mess and his heads gone through windshield. I dont get this as it seeems DX set him up for Corporation with what HHH/X-Pac said yet DX, Corporation hated each other.

WWF Title - The Rock (c) (w/ Corporation) vs. Mankind (w/DX) - This is the match that WCW gave away on Nitro, amongst overs, but Tony Schiavones comment of 'yeah that'll put butts on seats' is well known, WCW ran Fingerpoke Of Doom opposite this RAW is WAR. Rock is wearing his tracksuit, he'd had surgery on his chest/pecs or something. Rock starts better, suplex on the outside then he joins commentary, then when Mankind does commentary he hits him with the ringbell. Rock Bottom through a table. Foley starts a comeback but Rock scoopslams him and hits Corporate Elbow for 2. A belt shot gets Rock another 2 then Mankind DDTs him on the belt. Mandible Claw by Mankind but Shamrock runs in with a chair to break it up which leads to a DX, Corporation brawl. Stone Cold comes down to an absolute INSANE pop, chairshot to Rock and Mankind is the new WWF Champion!! Mick dedicates his win to his kids Dewey and Noelle                    
                                                                  END SCENE  


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