Thursday 10 January 2013

January 25th 1999

Royal Rumble review -

Airdate - January 25th 1999.

The Royal Rumble was 24hrs ago. Shane introduces the Rumble winner Vince McMahon, he gives Rock the $100,000 bounty for helping him then waives all rights to his WrestleMania title shot. This backfires though as Stone Cold appears on titantron in San Antonio, took his ball and gone home? Commissoner Michaels says that as Vince has waived his rights then the runner up will go to 'Mania, Stone Cold. austi though says he'll put his 'Mania shot on the line if Vince faces him in a cage at St. Valentines Day Massacre. At one point Austin said balls and Michaels' fake shocked reaction made me laugh.

Goldust Vs. Billy Gunn (w/Chyna, HHH) - HHH is only there to challenge Rock to an I Quit match tonight. 2 segments in 1 here then. Nothing happens until Goldust goes for Shattered Dreams but Gunn places the ref in the way. Goldusts music plays and Bluedust comes out hits Goldust with head and Billy gets 3 with a Piledriver.

Oddities are in ring but Rock tells them to leave, he accepts HHHs challenge. Mankind is shown in parking lot and steals Mankinds $100,000 bounty. He comes to the ramp and throws money in the crowd then reveals he didn't quit, Corporation just piped it in from an earlier  promo. This sets up the Mankind Vs. Rock empty arena match during halftime HEAT during next sundays SuperBowl.

BFC - Droz Vs. George 'The Animal' Steele - George knocks Droz down then bites the turnbuckle pad so Droz hits him into the exposed turnbuckle for 3. He carries on beating him but Oddities make the save.

Jeff Jarrett, Debra and Owen Hart
BFC - WWF Tag Team Titles - Bossman/Shamrock Vs. Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett - What the Terry Funk is Owen wearing swimming goggles? Bossman controls Jeff to start but his offence is un-noteworthy. Owen goes for a sharpshooter. Enziguri to Ken and a powerslam gets 2. Nice heel kick by Owen but he misses a missile dropkick. Ken gets a belly-to-belly then locks in Anklelock. Blue Blazer runs down, hits Shamrock with a guitar and Owen gets 3. This would be Owens last WWF Title, he was booked to win the IC Title I believe, on the night he died.

Shane McMahon calls out Kane and makes him apologize on 2 knees for screwing up lately, he talks with his voicebox. X-Pac comes down tells Kane to run with DX but he just Chokeslams him, that's a no then.

BFC - D'Lo Brown is shopping doing PMS workd for them due to the terri baby angle.

BFC - Val Venis debuts his new video and I dont mean entrance video. It stars Ryan Shamrock.

Val Venbis Vs. Test - Side russian leg sweep by Val then a spinebuster. Ken Shamrock hits Val with a chair and Test gets 3 via PumpHandle Slam. Billy Gunn comes down to fight Ken but Val thinks Gunn used the chair and beats him up.

BC - Hardcore Rules - Road Dogg/Al Snow Vs. Gangrel/Edge - Snow/Dogg attack with fire extinguishers during Broods entrance. Al hits them with a tray but they respond by squashing him and Dogg with a dumpster. Snow does his best kung-fu impression with a lead pipe. Cutlery of doom is thrown at Gangrel. Chairshots are traded then Gangrel leg drops Dogg through a table. Fighting into the ladies room and Al comes out with a toilet seat around his neck. Bluedust knocks all 4 through a table and Dogg gets 3. Al Snow has head back.

BFC - Dogg and Snow are being interviewed and seemed to have gained a mutual respect for each other and agree to a Hardcore match but the Ministry then attacks them.

WWF Title - I Quit - The Rock (c) Vs. Triple-H - This isn't as sick as the Rumble one thankfully. 10 corner punches by HHH who starts better then multiple microphone shots. They brawl to announce table where Rock does commentary. HHH knocks Rock into crowd and chokes him with a cord. Rock avoids a ringbell shot then DDTs HHH and Corporate Elbows the bell into his head. Facebuster then Pedigree by HHH, then another Pedigree, he goes to deliver a third through the announce table but Corporation grab Chyna and demand HHH says he Quits so he does. Then swerve Chyna low blows HHH and she has joined the Corporation.

                                                                     END SCENE

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