Tuesday 8 January 2013

December 28th 1998

Airdate - December 28th 1998

Corporation talk backstage. Vince intends to fire Commissoner HBK, they find Mankind and beat on him then Vince books Mankind Vs. Road Dogg for the Hardcore Title.

WWF Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Val Venis - Dogg won the title a week earlier Vs. Big Bossman. Crowd shouts Doggs catchphrases then we get the usual innuendo Venis promo. Not much happened beyond punches as some Corporaion members early on and got Dogg DQd, in a hardcore match? Vince tells Road Dogg that him Vs. Mankind is official.

BFC - Vince talks to Kane as the Stooges (Patterson and Brisco) mock him.

Al Snow Vs. Edge - Al got a blood bath from The Brood (Gangrel, Edge and Christian) the week before and still has the blood stained clothes on. Fight on outside then back in where Snow hits a moonsault, he gets a chair but Edge puts him in the electric chair and drops him face first into it. Multiple headbutts by Snow then repeated shots with Head cause a DQ. Brood run in but JOB Squad (Holly, Scorpio, Blue Meanie) make the save.

BFC - Womens Title - Sable (c) V Spider Lady - No actual match as Spider Lady, a gimmick used by Moolah in the original WWF screwjob, beats on Sable then whips her with a belt. Oddities make save and Spider Lady is revealed to be Luna.

BFC - EMTs check on Sable.

European Title - X-Pac (c) Vs. Bossman - Bossman is 1/2 Tag champions with ken Shamrock representing the Corporation. Bossman beats on X-Pac the majority on the match but nothing noteworthy. X-Pac starts a comeback with kicks and a Bronco Buster but Test appears and Val Venis fights with him causing a DQ, hey?!

Video of Vince training for Rumble with Shane McMahon

BFC - Goldust/Blackman Vs. Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett
 In the weeks prior Blackman unmasked 2 Bue Blaxers reealing them to be his opponents here tonight, the Blue Blazer gimmick is what Owen used the night he died which is only 5 months away. Jeff powerslams Goldust for 2. Goldust goes for Shattered Dreams but Owen distracts him. 'Nugget' chant. Backbreaker by Steve but Owen fires back with an enziguri and heel kick for 2. Sharpshooterby Owen, Michael Cole' Owen with the move he invented' not sure if that's a dig at Bret or Coles just plain wrong as either is believable either way Konnan showed the move to Bret Hart. Dan Severn distracts Owen and Steve rolls him up for 3.

BFC- Billy Gunn is interviewed by Kevin Kelly then mouths off with Shamroc

Mark Henry comes to the ring to apologize to his girlfriend Chyna for something he did with PMS (the utterly useless terri runnels and jacqueline) then Chyna comes down and throws down Jacqueline.

BFC - A video plays highlighting 1998 - DX Army is formed, Austin V McMahon, Taker/Kane friend or foe saga, DX v Nation and a little known Taker v Mankind match.

Corporation assault Godfather who is Billy Gunns scheduled opponent.

BFC - Billy Gunn Vs. Kane - Billy botches 'Intercontinental'. Pretty much Kane just squashing Billy, he did hit the FameAsser but Kane no sold it or something. Kane Chokeslams Billy but the Stooges demand more Chokeslams, DX run down to save Badd Ass Billy Gunn from more of a beating.

BFC - Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Mankind - Mankind was friends with DX here. The Rock is on commentary, he is the Corporate WWF Champion. Mankind didn't have his 'Wreck' theme yet. Backstage HBK arrives as we head to commercial. Usual hardcore match, Mankind suplexes Dogg on the ramp then drops a table on him. Dogg responds by back dropping Mankind on the ramp. In ring as Dogg chairshots Foley then does a side russian leg sweep for 2. Cole: ' Get well soon JR we want you bakc' Lawler:' I really do'. Mankind pulls his hair out. They fight in the crowd as Dogg chokes Foley. Socko puts Dogg out on a table then Foley elbow drops him through it but Rock comes to them and Rock Bottoms Mankind allowing Road Dogg to get 3. When Dogg realises how he won he isn't happy.

Vince McMahon calls out Commissoner Shawn Michaels, Vince shows footage from March 98 of HBK saying Vince needs him, he doesn't need Vince. then a clip of HBK stopping The Corporation from helping Shane when Mankind attacks him, so Vince fires HBK. Sweet Chin Music then HBK dryhumps Vince or something as Corporation run down so HBK bails through the crowd.

                                                                END SCENE

Next RAW is WAR - January 4th - http://rawiswar1999.blogspot.com/2013/01/january-4th-1999.html

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