Wednesday 16 January 2013

February 13th 1999

- This RAW is WAR was done on the Saturday before the SVDM PPV.

Stone Cold is inring then Mankind comes out then Corporation and Vince says he'll referee Mankind Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight.

BFC - D'Lo Brown (w/ Mark henry) Vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Owen Hart) - Pre-match D'Lo brings out a woman for Mark and it's Ivory. Heel kick by D'Lo after an even start. Owen grabs D'Los leg so Jeff starts working it than a Figure Four. Ref is distracted so Ivory gets involved, D'Lo gets 3 via Sky High.

Val Venis is in ring with Kevin Kelly doing his usual innuendo promo, Val not Kevin. Ken Shamrock attacks then beats on some refs, like he did at either Rumble 98 or 'Mania 14 or possibly both.

Goldust Vs. Gillberg - Someone delivers blue flowers to Goldust but the throws them back at him. Goldust dominates him then hits Curtain Call until Bluedust appears on titantron looking like an naked smurf, this distracts Goldus tlong enough for Gillberg to get a rollup for 3. The Streak Is Over!!!! Goldust does Shattered Dreams then is covered in blue paint like a Brood bloodbath.

Earl Hebner says no one is willing to referee Ken Shamrocks IC match tomorrow night.

BFC - DX each cut a promo - HHH on Chyna, Road Dogg on Al Snow, X-Pac on Kane then Billy Gunn reveals he will referee Shamrocks match on PPV.

BFC - Special Ref/ Mr. mcMahon - Mankind Vs. Stone Cold - Vince makes it No DQ as he wants them to hurt each other heading to SVDM. Mankind gets Socko and Mandible Claws Vince. Austin and Mankind fight The Corporation.

BFC - Vince says Stone Cold will run the Corporate gauntlet tonight.

Godfather Vs. Viscera (w/ Mideon) - Corner splash by Viscera is followed by an elbow drop for 2. Godfather shoulder tackles Viscera down but Mideon runs in for the DQ.

Val and Ken fight backstage then Billy Gunn gets involved.

BFC - X-Pac Vs. Kane - Heel kick is attempted but Kane catches it and throws him down. Corner choke then clothesline by Kane who's been dominant but X-Pac mounts a comeback he goes for the X-Factor but Chyna causes a DQ, she slams X-Pac down then HHH makes the save.

BFC-  Road Dogg is lay out backstage and bleeding. The Hardcore Title is vacated for the PPV tomorrow.

Al Snow issues an open challenge for now but nobody answers so he hits himself then moonsaults himself through a table, he's ca-razy!!. Bob Holly comes down, he was in Snows JOB Squad, then they start fighting. They fought over the Hardcore Title on the PPV and it ended in a river.

BFC- Droz attacks Kevin Kelly but Steve Blackman makes teh save. What in the Hay-ell did Droz have on his head?

Steve Blackman Vs. The Rock - Rock's in control from the off, Steve does get some kicks but Rock is again in control. Blackman gets some sustained offence *shock, tho to be fair Rock did help people like this unlike certain bald person* but he gets DDTd and Rock does a karate pose, then joins commentary. Blackman misses a kick and is Rock Bottomed then a Corporate Elbow gets 3. I like that Rock let people get offence and sold it.

Corporation Vs. Stone Cold - Turmoil match. Shamrock starts, they trade punches, 'You Screwed Bret' chant. Anlelock lasts about 3 seconds before Ken is Stunnered, Test runs in DQing Shamrock. Austin counters a boot with a kick to the nuts Stunner to Test. Kane in now and he gets 2 off a Chokeslam. Tombstone is countered to a Stunner. Chyna lowblows Austin but is Stunnered soon after. Bossman in and soon Vince throws him a nightstick and he beats Austion with it so Vince comes in and pins Stone Cold. The Corporation beat on Stone Cold in the corner then we get the brilliant image of Vince and Austin screaming in each others face.

                                                                   END SCENE

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