Thursday 10 January 2013

February 1st 1999

- Airdate February 1st 1999.

- 1 Day earlier on Halftime HEAT Mankind won the WWF Title off Rock.

Shane is in ring with Corporation as Vince is in Texas looking for Stone Cold. There's a cage above the ring for HHH/Kane later and Shane asks for it to be lowered but X-Pac is on it and attacks Shane until Chyna makes the save.

Superbowl Ad is shown then we see Vince and Stooges in Texas.

Billy Gunn Vs. Val Venis - Ken Shamrock is on commentary. Val goes for a handshake but Billy moons him. Billy misses a splash and is beaten down by Val. Billy gets 2 off a Fame Asser. Spinebuster by Billy but corner clotheslines have Val in control. Knees to mid-section sets up a side russian legsweep. Val does his gyrating so Ken hits him with a chair. Val thinks Billy hit him so he chairshots Billy.

Mankind rents Max Mini for his kids, made me laugh when he tickled him. It cost $450 off Rocks bounty money. (cheap plug - Max Mini wrestled at Rumble 98 - 1998 )
Debra is being interviewed then 'sexual chocolate' Mark Henry comes out which annoys Jarrett/Owen who beat on him.
D-Lo Brown Vs. Bossman - D-Lo is working for PMS and they make him face Bossman. They trade punches then D-Lo hits a heel kick. Eye poke by Bossman who heads up top but D-Lo throws him off and connects with Lo Down, but PMS distract the ref and Bossman wins via Bossman Slam then attacks him with his nightstick.

Debra is being interviewed then 'sexual chocolate' Mark Henry comes out which annoys Jarrett/Owen who beat on him.
Back in Texas Pat Patterson, complete with dreadful accent, chats to a lady but she hits him in the nuts.

BFC - Blue Meanie is out dancing when Goldust attacks him. Meanie was known as RAW Boy for this dancing bit, I take it that's a shot at WCWs Nitro Girls, didn't they have a PPV.

A doctor reveals terri was never pregnant.

Kurrgan Vs. Droz - Eye poke by Droz but he's soon booted down. Corner splash by Kurrgan. Droz hits Kurrgan in the throat with something and gets 3 via a top rope shoulder charge.

BFC - Undertaker/Mideon/Viscera Vs. The Brood - Taker doesn't actually wrestle he sits on the entrance on his throne. Gangrel punches Mideon but is soon slammed by Viscera. Edge, Christian beat on Viscera. Spinning heel kick to Mideon then a double backbody drop. Double dropkick to Viscera but then Acolytes run in for DQ. Ministry hang Gangrel over the ropes on a noose, nice of WWF to promote hanging, we'd never see this happen again .... as I have mentally blocked 'Mania 15 out.

Mankind comes out, big 'Foley' chant. Then Rock is here to do his typical promo. This sets up their  Last Man Standing Match at St. Valentines Day Massacre. I think WWF promoted that as the 1st ever but was Randy Savage Vs. Crush at WrestleMania X Last Man Standing rules?

They show an alternate version of the SuperBowl Advert.

Vince and Stooges are at a pawn shop but the bald man isn't Austin.

Hardcore Rules - Road Dogg/Al Snow Vs. Acolytes - Faarooq hits Dogg with a chair so he responds by trying to shove a pencil in Faarooqs eye or something. Al hits the Acolytes with the ring bell. Dogg sets a table up in the ring but gets hit with a chair as Faarooq and Al fight in crowd then outside in parking lot where Viscera appears and attacks Al Snow. Faarooq is back in the ring and Acolytes Powerbomb Dogg theough the table for 3. Druids attack Dogg then are revealed to be The Brood who have joined the Ministry.

BFC - Dogg and Al argue in the parking lot.

BFC - Vince had found Austin and he wants him to hit him thus canceling their cage match but he doesn't.

Steel Cage - HHH Vs. Kane - HHH attacks as kane enters. Kane gets a foot in the match and is in control until he misses an elbow. Kane does his fire from turnbuckle thing so the ring has red lighting. HHH twice tries to leave via the door. HHH starts a comeback by throwing Kane into the cage. He tries to leave via the door and comes up with a chair, but Kane sits up from a chairshot. They both go up the cage but Kane gets crotched on ropes. Pedigree is countered then Kane does a Chokeslam. X-Pac stops Kane from leaving by slamming door into his head. HHH starts to leave as X-Pac is stopping Kane, Chyna tries to stop HHH but he kicks her off and escapes.
                                                                   END SCENE

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