Thursday 10 January 2013

January 11th 1999

Previous RAW is WAR -

Airdate - January 11th 1999

DX start the show and bring out Mankind, who now has his 'Wreck' theme, the one with the car crashing at the start. He thanks JR as he got him in the WWF and says he wants Mankind Vs. Austin at WrestleMania, which brings out Rock and the McMahons, Shane books a Corporation Vs. DX Rumble to determine the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble. Rock runs his mouth off, this is the promo that books Rock V Mankind in an 'I Quit' match after Mankind rejects various match stipulations.

Tag Team No. 1 Contendership - Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett Vs. New Age Outlaws - They do counters then Billy press slams Owen and Jeff, not at the same time as that'd be ridiculous. Road Dogg beats on Jeff then struts, I just remembered Jeff and Roadie were a team during Jeffs country singer gimmick, though I think Roadie was the actual singer in the end anyway back to 1999. 'Nugget' chant. Road Dogg fight s out of a Sharpshooter. Billy Gunn beats on the heels, Fame Asser to Owen then Debra tries to distract him but he tells her to suck it. Debra, Chyna and Billy Gunn are ringside which is what the cameras are focused on when the match ends, great work there director. A replay show Owen pinned Dogg with a spinning heel kick. They didn't get the title shot till the post Rumble RAW is WAR.

BFC - Gillberg Vs. Luna - This is Gillbergs debut I think, well this persona of Duane Gills anyway. He's WWFs shot at Goldberg, he's a cruiserweight has a piped in chant and JOB Squad hold sparklers during his entrance. He goes to Jackhammer Luna but isn't strong enough and she pins him for 3.

BFC - Dennis Knight is ringside ranting that the one is here .... Billy Gunn?? That's a 2000 joke.

Val Venis comes out for the usual innuendo promo before a match then flirts with a woman at ringside when Ken Shamrock attacks him. Billy Gunn runs down and moons the girl so Ken beats on him too. The girl is Kens sister Ryan. (kayfabe, as apparently they were dating in reality)

BFC - European Title - X-Pac (c) Vs. Al Snow - Snow has no head as Goldust took it on Sunday Night Heat. Armdrag by X-Pac but Al avoids Bronco Buster. Headbutts by Snow then a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. X-Pac gets some offence but is then powerslammed but Snow misses a moonsault. Bronco Bustaaa. Goldust hits Al with Head and an X-Factor soon follows for 3.

WWF Title - Mankind (c) Vs. Kane - Kane attacks at ringside but Mankind drop toe holds him into the steps. Kane is ringside as mankind is in the ring and for a surreal moment I though Mankind was going to do a tope. Even match so far. Spinebuster, big boot by Kane but he makes the mistake of ducking his head so Mankind piledrivers him. Chokeslam is countered via a good old kick to the balls, which leads to a Double Arm DDT. Tombstone is Kane about to be WWF champion for a 2nd time .... well no as Rock runs in for the DQ then Rock hits both with a chair but bails when Stone Cold appears.

BFC - Rock says he isn't going to let Kane win his WWF Title.

HHH (w/Chyna) Vs. Edge - 9 years or so later this would headline a PPV. Punches are traded HHH wins that. Heel kick by Edge but he misses a corner splash. Harley Race knee by HHH then a facebuster gets 2. Pedigree is countered via a slingshot but it connects about 10 seconds later. HHH wins. Brood attack HHH post match but DX make save and Road Dogg gets a blood bath.
Dennis Knight becomes Mideon.

BFC - Silly segment where Undertaker and his Ministry sacrifice Dennis Knight, this is where he becomes known as Mideon.

BFC - D-Lo Brown Vs. Mark Henry - D-Lo is doing PMSs dirty work for them after the terri loses her kid angle, terri low blows Henry which brings Chyna out who pushes Jacqueline over, wardrobe malfunction.

Video of Vince training for Rumble by chasing chickens and punching meat etc.

Corporate Rumble - Winner is #30 in Royal Rumble. Shane McMahon joins commentary. 1. Ken Shamrock 2. Billy Gunn Ken casually jumps over the top and beats on Billy thus eliminating himself. 3. Bossman but not much happens 4. Test Road Doggs music played but Test comes out. 5. X-Pac Test and Billy trade hiptoss counters until Test tosses Billy over. X-Pac is beaten on. 6. Road Dogg Corporation still in control. 7. Kane he eliminates Road Dogg so it's 3-on-1 Vs. X-Pac 8. HHH Test accidentally hits Kane so he eliminates Test. Kane and X-Pac are soon eliminated so it's HHH Vs. Bossman. 9. Vince McMahon who's a surprise entrant. He eliminates Bossman and HHH, then celebrates with Stooges until 10. Chyna comes out, she hits Stooges then Stone Cold distracts Vince so Chyna eliminates him, as Vince goes over his neck kind of snaps off of the bottom rope that must've hurt. Chyna is 30 in Royal Rumble.
                                                                    END SCENE

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