Thursday 10 January 2013

January 18th 1999

Previous RAW is WAR -

- January 18th, 1999.
- This RAW has no sound so i'll skip promos ad just watch matches.

Road Dogg is backstage looking for weapons as he's about to face Gangrel.

Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Gangrel - This is probably due to Road Doggs bloodbath last week. Gangrel spits 'blood' in Doggs face then hits him with a kendo stick. Fighting in crowd then back in the ring where Dogg sets up a table but Gangrel powerbombs him through it for 2. DDT by Dogg then he sets another table but an elbow drop, leg drop and elbow drop dont break the table, so Dogg suplexes him on it and some chairshots get 3.

BFC - Billy Gunn Vs. Test - Test gets shots in the corner. Gunn gets some punches then a vertical suplex and elbow drop get 2. Test is back in control, swinging neckbreaker and Gutwrench Powerbomb get him a 2 count. Billy gets out of Pump Handle Slam and hits Fame Asser whic hdraws Shamrock out for the DQ.

BFC - Owen/Jarrett are being interviewed by Kevin Kelly when Bossman/Shamrock attack them.

Dan Severn Vs. Steve Blackman - Punch, kick, takedown by Steve. Belly-to-belly by Severn is no sold. Nice suplex/takedown by Dan, then he does a blatant lowblow causing a DQ. Then he locks in what I think is a dragon sleeper.

Mankind and Bossman are fighting then they come ringside, I now have sound, a bell rings signalling the start of a match. Corner splash by Bossman but a boot and clothesline knocks him down, corner knee by Mankind. Bossman kind of suplexes Mankind head first on a chair, sorry to state the obvious but that must've hurt but no way near what he'd get 6 days later. Double Arm DDT by Mankind then Mandible Claw. Rock comes out hits Mankind with a chair then Rock Bottoms him on it.

Chyna calls out Mark Henry this promo/segment is where Chynas friend is revealed to be a man after a vide of her/him and Mark Henry is shown on tron. Chyna dumps Henry then lowblows him. Henrys mum was in audience but not sure if it was a plant.

Al Snow Vs. Goldust - Back suplex by Snow who starts better until Goldust drops him onto the steps. Worlds slowest hurricanrana by Snow, then a crossbody gets 2. Al gets 3 with La Magistral(?) He takes back head which is painted like Goldust, but gets spinebustered then Goldust does Shattered Dreams and takes head back.

Mideon says something will happen in 6 days aat Royal Rumble.

Chyna Vs. Pat Patterson/Gerald Brisco - This goes on for about 30 mins, or so it felt. Pat does an aeroplane spin to Chyna and dizzies himself. Chyna gets lowblowed by Pat whic his kind of silly, though that was The Stooges character. Random moment where Sable comes out and Luna attacks her. Chyna DDTs them both and pins them together.

Rock Vs. Kane - Corporation expect Kane to take a dive but he doesn't and tells Rock to F himself. Corporation beat on Kane then Rock orders them off and calls for the bell. Kane sits up from a DDT. Rock does commentary but Kane stops that. Rock avoids Tombstone and nails the Corporate Elbow. Chokeslam by Kane but he is soon assaulted by Corporation, Mankind makes the save with a chair. Stone Cold distracts Rock so Mankind hits him with the chair.

                                                                END SCENE
The Royal Rumble PPV was 6 days after this here's my review of it -

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