Wednesday 16 January 2013

February 13th 1999

- This RAW is WAR was done on the Saturday before the SVDM PPV.

Stone Cold is inring then Mankind comes out then Corporation and Vince says he'll referee Mankind Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight.

BFC - D'Lo Brown (w/ Mark henry) Vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Owen Hart) - Pre-match D'Lo brings out a woman for Mark and it's Ivory. Heel kick by D'Lo after an even start. Owen grabs D'Los leg so Jeff starts working it than a Figure Four. Ref is distracted so Ivory gets involved, D'Lo gets 3 via Sky High.

Val Venis is in ring with Kevin Kelly doing his usual innuendo promo, Val not Kevin. Ken Shamrock attacks then beats on some refs, like he did at either Rumble 98 or 'Mania 14 or possibly both.

Goldust Vs. Gillberg - Someone delivers blue flowers to Goldust but the throws them back at him. Goldust dominates him then hits Curtain Call until Bluedust appears on titantron looking like an naked smurf, this distracts Goldus tlong enough for Gillberg to get a rollup for 3. The Streak Is Over!!!! Goldust does Shattered Dreams then is covered in blue paint like a Brood bloodbath.

Earl Hebner says no one is willing to referee Ken Shamrocks IC match tomorrow night.

BFC - DX each cut a promo - HHH on Chyna, Road Dogg on Al Snow, X-Pac on Kane then Billy Gunn reveals he will referee Shamrocks match on PPV.

BFC - Special Ref/ Mr. mcMahon - Mankind Vs. Stone Cold - Vince makes it No DQ as he wants them to hurt each other heading to SVDM. Mankind gets Socko and Mandible Claws Vince. Austin and Mankind fight The Corporation.

BFC - Vince says Stone Cold will run the Corporate gauntlet tonight.

Godfather Vs. Viscera (w/ Mideon) - Corner splash by Viscera is followed by an elbow drop for 2. Godfather shoulder tackles Viscera down but Mideon runs in for the DQ.

Val and Ken fight backstage then Billy Gunn gets involved.

BFC - X-Pac Vs. Kane - Heel kick is attempted but Kane catches it and throws him down. Corner choke then clothesline by Kane who's been dominant but X-Pac mounts a comeback he goes for the X-Factor but Chyna causes a DQ, she slams X-Pac down then HHH makes the save.

BFC-  Road Dogg is lay out backstage and bleeding. The Hardcore Title is vacated for the PPV tomorrow.

Al Snow issues an open challenge for now but nobody answers so he hits himself then moonsaults himself through a table, he's ca-razy!!. Bob Holly comes down, he was in Snows JOB Squad, then they start fighting. They fought over the Hardcore Title on the PPV and it ended in a river.

BFC- Droz attacks Kevin Kelly but Steve Blackman makes teh save. What in the Hay-ell did Droz have on his head?

Steve Blackman Vs. The Rock - Rock's in control from the off, Steve does get some kicks but Rock is again in control. Blackman gets some sustained offence *shock, tho to be fair Rock did help people like this unlike certain bald person* but he gets DDTd and Rock does a karate pose, then joins commentary. Blackman misses a kick and is Rock Bottomed then a Corporate Elbow gets 3. I like that Rock let people get offence and sold it.

Corporation Vs. Stone Cold - Turmoil match. Shamrock starts, they trade punches, 'You Screwed Bret' chant. Anlelock lasts about 3 seconds before Ken is Stunnered, Test runs in DQing Shamrock. Austin counters a boot with a kick to the nuts Stunner to Test. Kane in now and he gets 2 off a Chokeslam. Tombstone is countered to a Stunner. Chyna lowblows Austin but is Stunnered soon after. Bossman in and soon Vince throws him a nightstick and he beats Austion with it so Vince comes in and pins Stone Cold. The Corporation beat on Stone Cold in the corner then we get the brilliant image of Vince and Austin screaming in each others face.

                                                                   END SCENE

Thursday 10 January 2013

February 1st 1999

- Airdate February 1st 1999.

- 1 Day earlier on Halftime HEAT Mankind won the WWF Title off Rock.

Shane is in ring with Corporation as Vince is in Texas looking for Stone Cold. There's a cage above the ring for HHH/Kane later and Shane asks for it to be lowered but X-Pac is on it and attacks Shane until Chyna makes the save.

Superbowl Ad is shown then we see Vince and Stooges in Texas.

Billy Gunn Vs. Val Venis - Ken Shamrock is on commentary. Val goes for a handshake but Billy moons him. Billy misses a splash and is beaten down by Val. Billy gets 2 off a Fame Asser. Spinebuster by Billy but corner clotheslines have Val in control. Knees to mid-section sets up a side russian legsweep. Val does his gyrating so Ken hits him with a chair. Val thinks Billy hit him so he chairshots Billy.

Mankind rents Max Mini for his kids, made me laugh when he tickled him. It cost $450 off Rocks bounty money. (cheap plug - Max Mini wrestled at Rumble 98 - 1998 )
Debra is being interviewed then 'sexual chocolate' Mark Henry comes out which annoys Jarrett/Owen who beat on him.
D-Lo Brown Vs. Bossman - D-Lo is working for PMS and they make him face Bossman. They trade punches then D-Lo hits a heel kick. Eye poke by Bossman who heads up top but D-Lo throws him off and connects with Lo Down, but PMS distract the ref and Bossman wins via Bossman Slam then attacks him with his nightstick.

Debra is being interviewed then 'sexual chocolate' Mark Henry comes out which annoys Jarrett/Owen who beat on him.
Back in Texas Pat Patterson, complete with dreadful accent, chats to a lady but she hits him in the nuts.

BFC - Blue Meanie is out dancing when Goldust attacks him. Meanie was known as RAW Boy for this dancing bit, I take it that's a shot at WCWs Nitro Girls, didn't they have a PPV.

A doctor reveals terri was never pregnant.

Kurrgan Vs. Droz - Eye poke by Droz but he's soon booted down. Corner splash by Kurrgan. Droz hits Kurrgan in the throat with something and gets 3 via a top rope shoulder charge.

BFC - Undertaker/Mideon/Viscera Vs. The Brood - Taker doesn't actually wrestle he sits on the entrance on his throne. Gangrel punches Mideon but is soon slammed by Viscera. Edge, Christian beat on Viscera. Spinning heel kick to Mideon then a double backbody drop. Double dropkick to Viscera but then Acolytes run in for DQ. Ministry hang Gangrel over the ropes on a noose, nice of WWF to promote hanging, we'd never see this happen again .... as I have mentally blocked 'Mania 15 out.

Mankind comes out, big 'Foley' chant. Then Rock is here to do his typical promo. This sets up their  Last Man Standing Match at St. Valentines Day Massacre. I think WWF promoted that as the 1st ever but was Randy Savage Vs. Crush at WrestleMania X Last Man Standing rules?

They show an alternate version of the SuperBowl Advert.

Vince and Stooges are at a pawn shop but the bald man isn't Austin.

Hardcore Rules - Road Dogg/Al Snow Vs. Acolytes - Faarooq hits Dogg with a chair so he responds by trying to shove a pencil in Faarooqs eye or something. Al hits the Acolytes with the ring bell. Dogg sets a table up in the ring but gets hit with a chair as Faarooq and Al fight in crowd then outside in parking lot where Viscera appears and attacks Al Snow. Faarooq is back in the ring and Acolytes Powerbomb Dogg theough the table for 3. Druids attack Dogg then are revealed to be The Brood who have joined the Ministry.

BFC - Dogg and Al argue in the parking lot.

BFC - Vince had found Austin and he wants him to hit him thus canceling their cage match but he doesn't.

Steel Cage - HHH Vs. Kane - HHH attacks as kane enters. Kane gets a foot in the match and is in control until he misses an elbow. Kane does his fire from turnbuckle thing so the ring has red lighting. HHH twice tries to leave via the door. HHH starts a comeback by throwing Kane into the cage. He tries to leave via the door and comes up with a chair, but Kane sits up from a chairshot. They both go up the cage but Kane gets crotched on ropes. Pedigree is countered then Kane does a Chokeslam. X-Pac stops Kane from leaving by slamming door into his head. HHH starts to leave as X-Pac is stopping Kane, Chyna tries to stop HHH but he kicks her off and escapes.
                                                                   END SCENE

January 25th 1999

Royal Rumble review -

Airdate - January 25th 1999.

The Royal Rumble was 24hrs ago. Shane introduces the Rumble winner Vince McMahon, he gives Rock the $100,000 bounty for helping him then waives all rights to his WrestleMania title shot. This backfires though as Stone Cold appears on titantron in San Antonio, took his ball and gone home? Commissoner Michaels says that as Vince has waived his rights then the runner up will go to 'Mania, Stone Cold. austi though says he'll put his 'Mania shot on the line if Vince faces him in a cage at St. Valentines Day Massacre. At one point Austin said balls and Michaels' fake shocked reaction made me laugh.

Goldust Vs. Billy Gunn (w/Chyna, HHH) - HHH is only there to challenge Rock to an I Quit match tonight. 2 segments in 1 here then. Nothing happens until Goldust goes for Shattered Dreams but Gunn places the ref in the way. Goldusts music plays and Bluedust comes out hits Goldust with head and Billy gets 3 with a Piledriver.

Oddities are in ring but Rock tells them to leave, he accepts HHHs challenge. Mankind is shown in parking lot and steals Mankinds $100,000 bounty. He comes to the ramp and throws money in the crowd then reveals he didn't quit, Corporation just piped it in from an earlier  promo. This sets up the Mankind Vs. Rock empty arena match during halftime HEAT during next sundays SuperBowl.

BFC - Droz Vs. George 'The Animal' Steele - George knocks Droz down then bites the turnbuckle pad so Droz hits him into the exposed turnbuckle for 3. He carries on beating him but Oddities make the save.

Jeff Jarrett, Debra and Owen Hart
BFC - WWF Tag Team Titles - Bossman/Shamrock Vs. Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett - What the Terry Funk is Owen wearing swimming goggles? Bossman controls Jeff to start but his offence is un-noteworthy. Owen goes for a sharpshooter. Enziguri to Ken and a powerslam gets 2. Nice heel kick by Owen but he misses a missile dropkick. Ken gets a belly-to-belly then locks in Anklelock. Blue Blazer runs down, hits Shamrock with a guitar and Owen gets 3. This would be Owens last WWF Title, he was booked to win the IC Title I believe, on the night he died.

Shane McMahon calls out Kane and makes him apologize on 2 knees for screwing up lately, he talks with his voicebox. X-Pac comes down tells Kane to run with DX but he just Chokeslams him, that's a no then.

BFC - D'Lo Brown is shopping doing PMS workd for them due to the terri baby angle.

BFC - Val Venis debuts his new video and I dont mean entrance video. It stars Ryan Shamrock.

Val Venbis Vs. Test - Side russian leg sweep by Val then a spinebuster. Ken Shamrock hits Val with a chair and Test gets 3 via PumpHandle Slam. Billy Gunn comes down to fight Ken but Val thinks Gunn used the chair and beats him up.

BC - Hardcore Rules - Road Dogg/Al Snow Vs. Gangrel/Edge - Snow/Dogg attack with fire extinguishers during Broods entrance. Al hits them with a tray but they respond by squashing him and Dogg with a dumpster. Snow does his best kung-fu impression with a lead pipe. Cutlery of doom is thrown at Gangrel. Chairshots are traded then Gangrel leg drops Dogg through a table. Fighting into the ladies room and Al comes out with a toilet seat around his neck. Bluedust knocks all 4 through a table and Dogg gets 3. Al Snow has head back.

BFC - Dogg and Snow are being interviewed and seemed to have gained a mutual respect for each other and agree to a Hardcore match but the Ministry then attacks them.

WWF Title - I Quit - The Rock (c) Vs. Triple-H - This isn't as sick as the Rumble one thankfully. 10 corner punches by HHH who starts better then multiple microphone shots. They brawl to announce table where Rock does commentary. HHH knocks Rock into crowd and chokes him with a cord. Rock avoids a ringbell shot then DDTs HHH and Corporate Elbows the bell into his head. Facebuster then Pedigree by HHH, then another Pedigree, he goes to deliver a third through the announce table but Corporation grab Chyna and demand HHH says he Quits so he does. Then swerve Chyna low blows HHH and she has joined the Corporation.

                                                                     END SCENE

January 18th 1999

Previous RAW is WAR -

- January 18th, 1999.
- This RAW has no sound so i'll skip promos ad just watch matches.

Road Dogg is backstage looking for weapons as he's about to face Gangrel.

Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Gangrel - This is probably due to Road Doggs bloodbath last week. Gangrel spits 'blood' in Doggs face then hits him with a kendo stick. Fighting in crowd then back in the ring where Dogg sets up a table but Gangrel powerbombs him through it for 2. DDT by Dogg then he sets another table but an elbow drop, leg drop and elbow drop dont break the table, so Dogg suplexes him on it and some chairshots get 3.

BFC - Billy Gunn Vs. Test - Test gets shots in the corner. Gunn gets some punches then a vertical suplex and elbow drop get 2. Test is back in control, swinging neckbreaker and Gutwrench Powerbomb get him a 2 count. Billy gets out of Pump Handle Slam and hits Fame Asser whic hdraws Shamrock out for the DQ.

BFC - Owen/Jarrett are being interviewed by Kevin Kelly when Bossman/Shamrock attack them.

Dan Severn Vs. Steve Blackman - Punch, kick, takedown by Steve. Belly-to-belly by Severn is no sold. Nice suplex/takedown by Dan, then he does a blatant lowblow causing a DQ. Then he locks in what I think is a dragon sleeper.

Mankind and Bossman are fighting then they come ringside, I now have sound, a bell rings signalling the start of a match. Corner splash by Bossman but a boot and clothesline knocks him down, corner knee by Mankind. Bossman kind of suplexes Mankind head first on a chair, sorry to state the obvious but that must've hurt but no way near what he'd get 6 days later. Double Arm DDT by Mankind then Mandible Claw. Rock comes out hits Mankind with a chair then Rock Bottoms him on it.

Chyna calls out Mark Henry this promo/segment is where Chynas friend is revealed to be a man after a vide of her/him and Mark Henry is shown on tron. Chyna dumps Henry then lowblows him. Henrys mum was in audience but not sure if it was a plant.

Al Snow Vs. Goldust - Back suplex by Snow who starts better until Goldust drops him onto the steps. Worlds slowest hurricanrana by Snow, then a crossbody gets 2. Al gets 3 with La Magistral(?) He takes back head which is painted like Goldust, but gets spinebustered then Goldust does Shattered Dreams and takes head back.

Mideon says something will happen in 6 days aat Royal Rumble.

Chyna Vs. Pat Patterson/Gerald Brisco - This goes on for about 30 mins, or so it felt. Pat does an aeroplane spin to Chyna and dizzies himself. Chyna gets lowblowed by Pat whic his kind of silly, though that was The Stooges character. Random moment where Sable comes out and Luna attacks her. Chyna DDTs them both and pins them together.

Rock Vs. Kane - Corporation expect Kane to take a dive but he doesn't and tells Rock to F himself. Corporation beat on Kane then Rock orders them off and calls for the bell. Kane sits up from a DDT. Rock does commentary but Kane stops that. Rock avoids Tombstone and nails the Corporate Elbow. Chokeslam by Kane but he is soon assaulted by Corporation, Mankind makes the save with a chair. Stone Cold distracts Rock so Mankind hits him with the chair.

                                                                END SCENE
The Royal Rumble PPV was 6 days after this here's my review of it -

January 11th 1999

Previous RAW is WAR -

Airdate - January 11th 1999

DX start the show and bring out Mankind, who now has his 'Wreck' theme, the one with the car crashing at the start. He thanks JR as he got him in the WWF and says he wants Mankind Vs. Austin at WrestleMania, which brings out Rock and the McMahons, Shane books a Corporation Vs. DX Rumble to determine the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble. Rock runs his mouth off, this is the promo that books Rock V Mankind in an 'I Quit' match after Mankind rejects various match stipulations.

Tag Team No. 1 Contendership - Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett Vs. New Age Outlaws - They do counters then Billy press slams Owen and Jeff, not at the same time as that'd be ridiculous. Road Dogg beats on Jeff then struts, I just remembered Jeff and Roadie were a team during Jeffs country singer gimmick, though I think Roadie was the actual singer in the end anyway back to 1999. 'Nugget' chant. Road Dogg fight s out of a Sharpshooter. Billy Gunn beats on the heels, Fame Asser to Owen then Debra tries to distract him but he tells her to suck it. Debra, Chyna and Billy Gunn are ringside which is what the cameras are focused on when the match ends, great work there director. A replay show Owen pinned Dogg with a spinning heel kick. They didn't get the title shot till the post Rumble RAW is WAR.

BFC - Gillberg Vs. Luna - This is Gillbergs debut I think, well this persona of Duane Gills anyway. He's WWFs shot at Goldberg, he's a cruiserweight has a piped in chant and JOB Squad hold sparklers during his entrance. He goes to Jackhammer Luna but isn't strong enough and she pins him for 3.

BFC - Dennis Knight is ringside ranting that the one is here .... Billy Gunn?? That's a 2000 joke.

Val Venis comes out for the usual innuendo promo before a match then flirts with a woman at ringside when Ken Shamrock attacks him. Billy Gunn runs down and moons the girl so Ken beats on him too. The girl is Kens sister Ryan. (kayfabe, as apparently they were dating in reality)

BFC - European Title - X-Pac (c) Vs. Al Snow - Snow has no head as Goldust took it on Sunday Night Heat. Armdrag by X-Pac but Al avoids Bronco Buster. Headbutts by Snow then a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. X-Pac gets some offence but is then powerslammed but Snow misses a moonsault. Bronco Bustaaa. Goldust hits Al with Head and an X-Factor soon follows for 3.

WWF Title - Mankind (c) Vs. Kane - Kane attacks at ringside but Mankind drop toe holds him into the steps. Kane is ringside as mankind is in the ring and for a surreal moment I though Mankind was going to do a tope. Even match so far. Spinebuster, big boot by Kane but he makes the mistake of ducking his head so Mankind piledrivers him. Chokeslam is countered via a good old kick to the balls, which leads to a Double Arm DDT. Tombstone is Kane about to be WWF champion for a 2nd time .... well no as Rock runs in for the DQ then Rock hits both with a chair but bails when Stone Cold appears.

BFC - Rock says he isn't going to let Kane win his WWF Title.

HHH (w/Chyna) Vs. Edge - 9 years or so later this would headline a PPV. Punches are traded HHH wins that. Heel kick by Edge but he misses a corner splash. Harley Race knee by HHH then a facebuster gets 2. Pedigree is countered via a slingshot but it connects about 10 seconds later. HHH wins. Brood attack HHH post match but DX make save and Road Dogg gets a blood bath.
Dennis Knight becomes Mideon.

BFC - Silly segment where Undertaker and his Ministry sacrifice Dennis Knight, this is where he becomes known as Mideon.

BFC - D-Lo Brown Vs. Mark Henry - D-Lo is doing PMSs dirty work for them after the terri loses her kid angle, terri low blows Henry which brings Chyna out who pushes Jacqueline over, wardrobe malfunction.

Video of Vince training for Rumble by chasing chickens and punching meat etc.

Corporate Rumble - Winner is #30 in Royal Rumble. Shane McMahon joins commentary. 1. Ken Shamrock 2. Billy Gunn Ken casually jumps over the top and beats on Billy thus eliminating himself. 3. Bossman but not much happens 4. Test Road Doggs music played but Test comes out. 5. X-Pac Test and Billy trade hiptoss counters until Test tosses Billy over. X-Pac is beaten on. 6. Road Dogg Corporation still in control. 7. Kane he eliminates Road Dogg so it's 3-on-1 Vs. X-Pac 8. HHH Test accidentally hits Kane so he eliminates Test. Kane and X-Pac are soon eliminated so it's HHH Vs. Bossman. 9. Vince McMahon who's a surprise entrant. He eliminates Bossman and HHH, then celebrates with Stooges until 10. Chyna comes out, she hits Stooges then Stone Cold distracts Vince so Chyna eliminates him, as Vince goes over his neck kind of snaps off of the bottom rope that must've hurt. Chyna is 30 in Royal Rumble.
                                                                    END SCENE

Wednesday 9 January 2013

January 4th 1999

Previous RAW

Airdate - January 4th 1999. (This is a pretty famous RAW is WAR)

Starts with a video package of HBKs career but Vince tells them to stop it. Vince starts saying HBK wont be here, HBK said he would on HEAT. Sure enough HBK is there and he brings DX with him, is this the 1st time we saw a full DX line up? HBK says he cant be fired he can only resign and makes Vince McMahon #2 in the Royal Rumble.

BFC - Shamrock v Blackman - Elbows and kicks by Blackman. Powerslam gets Ken 2. Dan Severn come ringside, Ken is in control and hits a belly-to-belly when Steve starts a comeback. Ken hits Severn then Billy Gunn runs in and FameAssers him so Blackman gets 3. These 2 would feud in Summer of 99 which was Shamrocks last proper WWEF rivlary.

BFC - Shamrock and Billy fight backstage.

Mankind's here the promo is good as it's Foley 'first time i've said Suck It without please in front'. He wants a title match at Rumble, Vince refuses and says Foley should've listened to him not them (the fans). He books HHH v Mankind for tonight, winner is in Rumble.

BFC - Mark Henry Vs. Goldust - Henry seems to be wearing Faarooqs old Nation attire. Goldust targets the legs and gets 2 off a spinebuster. Powerslam and elbow drop by Henry, he'll need a rest now. Chyna and a 'friend' appear. Edge-O-Matic gets 2 for Goldust but he is soon DQd for doing Shattered Dreams. Post Match Chyna helps Henry up and says she and her friend can help Henry, then he faints.

BFC - Dennis Knight is chained up somewhere.

Godfather Vs. Test - Jesus Tests' music's bad. Corber knees by Test. Slam, leg drop then Ho Train by Godfather. Val Venis appears. Big boot by Test then they fight ringside for a Double Countout. Test, Venis fight.

DX and HBK chatting backstage.

BFC - Special Ref/ Shane McMahon - HHH Vs. Mankind - Not much happened beyond a bulldog, clothesline etc. but the match isn't important it's the post match that is, also HHH wins via a sunset flip that Shane fast counts on. After the match HHH Pedigrees Shane and tells Mick he's all yours. Mankind threatens to break Shanes arm unless Vince gives him a title match tonight, No DQ. Vince agrees. They actually redo this type of angle in August but HHH does break JRs on that occasion.

BFC - Edge Vs. D-Lo Brown - Dropkick, hurricanrana by Edge. They trade slaps then D-Lo does his running powerbomb, the move that paralyzed Droz in October 1999. Crossbody gets Edge 2. PMS are here and D-Lo hits the Sky High on Edge. Terri Runnels falls off the apron then in B-Movie acting style starts screaming or something, they stop the match as she might've lost her kid. This starts a stupid angle, though mist things with Terri were stupid.

BFC - Kane Vs. Pat Patterson/Gerald Brisco - Patterson tries to bribe Kane, but he Chokeslams the pair. kane grabs Shane McMahon but Vince threatens him with going back to the mental home so he releases him.

Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Al Snow - Al hides from Dogg. Al jumps off the apron but Dogg throws a chair at him, then sets up a table but Snow chairs him. Poetry in motion sends Dogg into the crowd then Snow moonsaults himself through a table as Dogg moves. Road Dogg hits Snow with a tray but he just smiles. Fighting backstage and Snow is hiptossed through a table. cardboard boxof doom by Snow then he plants Road Dogg with a flower pot, get it. They fight outside in the snow and Dogg gets 3 by piledriving Snow through wooden pallets.

BFC- HBK leaves the arena 'I'll see you guys later' HHH: (as HBK leaves) 'Maybe, maybe not' X-Pac: 'What goes around comes around'. HBK is ambushed by Corporation in parking lot and we come back from commercial (BFC) he is a bloody mess and his heads gone through windshield. I dont get this as it seeems DX set him up for Corporation with what HHH/X-Pac said yet DX, Corporation hated each other.

WWF Title - The Rock (c) (w/ Corporation) vs. Mankind (w/DX) - This is the match that WCW gave away on Nitro, amongst overs, but Tony Schiavones comment of 'yeah that'll put butts on seats' is well known, WCW ran Fingerpoke Of Doom opposite this RAW is WAR. Rock is wearing his tracksuit, he'd had surgery on his chest/pecs or something. Rock starts better, suplex on the outside then he joins commentary, then when Mankind does commentary he hits him with the ringbell. Rock Bottom through a table. Foley starts a comeback but Rock scoopslams him and hits Corporate Elbow for 2. A belt shot gets Rock another 2 then Mankind DDTs him on the belt. Mandible Claw by Mankind but Shamrock runs in with a chair to break it up which leads to a DX, Corporation brawl. Stone Cold comes down to an absolute INSANE pop, chairshot to Rock and Mankind is the new WWF Champion!! Mick dedicates his win to his kids Dewey and Noelle                    
                                                                  END SCENE  


Tuesday 8 January 2013

December 28th 1998

Airdate - December 28th 1998

Corporation talk backstage. Vince intends to fire Commissoner HBK, they find Mankind and beat on him then Vince books Mankind Vs. Road Dogg for the Hardcore Title.

WWF Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Val Venis - Dogg won the title a week earlier Vs. Big Bossman. Crowd shouts Doggs catchphrases then we get the usual innuendo Venis promo. Not much happened beyond punches as some Corporaion members early on and got Dogg DQd, in a hardcore match? Vince tells Road Dogg that him Vs. Mankind is official.

BFC - Vince talks to Kane as the Stooges (Patterson and Brisco) mock him.

Al Snow Vs. Edge - Al got a blood bath from The Brood (Gangrel, Edge and Christian) the week before and still has the blood stained clothes on. Fight on outside then back in where Snow hits a moonsault, he gets a chair but Edge puts him in the electric chair and drops him face first into it. Multiple headbutts by Snow then repeated shots with Head cause a DQ. Brood run in but JOB Squad (Holly, Scorpio, Blue Meanie) make the save.

BFC - Womens Title - Sable (c) V Spider Lady - No actual match as Spider Lady, a gimmick used by Moolah in the original WWF screwjob, beats on Sable then whips her with a belt. Oddities make save and Spider Lady is revealed to be Luna.

BFC - EMTs check on Sable.

European Title - X-Pac (c) Vs. Bossman - Bossman is 1/2 Tag champions with ken Shamrock representing the Corporation. Bossman beats on X-Pac the majority on the match but nothing noteworthy. X-Pac starts a comeback with kicks and a Bronco Buster but Test appears and Val Venis fights with him causing a DQ, hey?!

Video of Vince training for Rumble with Shane McMahon

BFC - Goldust/Blackman Vs. Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett
 In the weeks prior Blackman unmasked 2 Bue Blaxers reealing them to be his opponents here tonight, the Blue Blazer gimmick is what Owen used the night he died which is only 5 months away. Jeff powerslams Goldust for 2. Goldust goes for Shattered Dreams but Owen distracts him. 'Nugget' chant. Backbreaker by Steve but Owen fires back with an enziguri and heel kick for 2. Sharpshooterby Owen, Michael Cole' Owen with the move he invented' not sure if that's a dig at Bret or Coles just plain wrong as either is believable either way Konnan showed the move to Bret Hart. Dan Severn distracts Owen and Steve rolls him up for 3.

BFC- Billy Gunn is interviewed by Kevin Kelly then mouths off with Shamroc

Mark Henry comes to the ring to apologize to his girlfriend Chyna for something he did with PMS (the utterly useless terri runnels and jacqueline) then Chyna comes down and throws down Jacqueline.

BFC - A video plays highlighting 1998 - DX Army is formed, Austin V McMahon, Taker/Kane friend or foe saga, DX v Nation and a little known Taker v Mankind match.

Corporation assault Godfather who is Billy Gunns scheduled opponent.

BFC - Billy Gunn Vs. Kane - Billy botches 'Intercontinental'. Pretty much Kane just squashing Billy, he did hit the FameAsser but Kane no sold it or something. Kane Chokeslams Billy but the Stooges demand more Chokeslams, DX run down to save Badd Ass Billy Gunn from more of a beating.

BFC - Hardcore Title - Road Dogg (c) Vs. Mankind - Mankind was friends with DX here. The Rock is on commentary, he is the Corporate WWF Champion. Mankind didn't have his 'Wreck' theme yet. Backstage HBK arrives as we head to commercial. Usual hardcore match, Mankind suplexes Dogg on the ramp then drops a table on him. Dogg responds by back dropping Mankind on the ramp. In ring as Dogg chairshots Foley then does a side russian leg sweep for 2. Cole: ' Get well soon JR we want you bakc' Lawler:' I really do'. Mankind pulls his hair out. They fight in the crowd as Dogg chokes Foley. Socko puts Dogg out on a table then Foley elbow drops him through it but Rock comes to them and Rock Bottoms Mankind allowing Road Dogg to get 3. When Dogg realises how he won he isn't happy.

Vince McMahon calls out Commissoner Shawn Michaels, Vince shows footage from March 98 of HBK saying Vince needs him, he doesn't need Vince. then a clip of HBK stopping The Corporation from helping Shane when Mankind attacks him, so Vince fires HBK. Sweet Chin Music then HBK dryhumps Vince or something as Corporation run down so HBK bails through the crowd.

                                                                END SCENE

Next RAW is WAR - January 4th -